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Fuzzbutt Cage Comforts product comparison tables

To help you decide which of my products are suitable for your pet and also for your cage, use the tables below. Scroll to the bottom for a Plammock/cage comparison table. 

If I’ve missed off any popular cages please email me with the details and I’ll add it, or if any of my estimates for the number of fuzzies are wrong, let me know. As always, if you’re unsure about anything just drop me a line. You can also view the customer photos on my Facebook page which provide useful reference of fuzzy size vs my products.

Product/Fuzzy comparison


(small only, check size b4 buying)

DeguMice/hammies/gliders etc 
Standard Snooze Cube
Yes - fits 2 big bucks, more smaller femalesYes - Only 1 unless they like to squish

Fit only 1. Not as rigid for floor standing

Only 1 unless they like to squishYesWould hold loads of tiny fuzzies!  Try the mini "Homer" cubes instead
Luxury Snooze Cube
Yes - 3+ rats depending on sizeYesYesYesYesWould be rather big for them!
Luxury Hooj CubeYes - 4+ rats depending on sizeYesYesYes

For multiple Degu

Would be rather big for them!
CheezwedgeYes - fits 2 big bucks, more smaller femalesYes - Check Chin size firstOnly small piggies  Would be rather big for them!
Cage CondoYes - multiple ratties in each "room" and on topYesNever been tried yet!YesYesWould be rather big for them!
Corner CrushYes - fits 2 big bucks, more smaller femalesYesCan hang in cage corner just above floorYesYesTry the mini "Homer" Crushes instead
Larger size Corner CrushYes - fits 3 big bucks, more smaller femalesYesCan hang in cage corner just above floorYesYesTry the mini "Homer" Crushes instead
Stack-a-Fuzz double hammockYes - 3 fatboys inside, 2 om top, more if smallerYes - Fits 1-2Can hang in cage corner just above floor(Small only, check size b4 buying)YesTry the mini "Homer" Stacks instead
12.5×17″ hammockYesYesUse as a floor mat?YesYesWould be rather big for them!
20×15″ hammockYesYesUse as a floor mat? YesWould be rather big for them!
PlammockYesYesUse as a floor mat?YesIf cage is huge!Would be rather big for them!
3/4 PlammockYesYesUse as a floor mat?YesIf cage is huge!Would be rather big for them!
“Homer” Mini SnoozeYes
They’ve been known to cram in!
No  No  NoA bit small for degu IMO, check measurementsYes
“Homer” Mini Corner CrushYes
Adult rats sometimes use as a “solo seat”
  No  No  No  NoYes


Cage sizes information

Fuzzbutt products will fit in most cages – depending on the size of the cage you may need extended hangers or chains, or the hangers we sell here/free jumbo paperclips you get with each order will suffice. If I’ve missed out on any popular cages email me and I’ll add them to the list.

An often-asked question is “Will the Plammock/Half Plammock fit in my cage?” so I’ve put information below that will help. Plammocks measure 26″ x 15″ (66 x 38cm approx) and Half-Plammocks 9×16″ (48 x 40cm approx). If you have bought a Plammock or Half-Plammock and it did or didn’t fit into your cage, let me know and I can update this table.

CageDimensions (width/depth/height) Will a Plammock/Half-Plammock fit?
Savic Royal Suite37″ x 26″ x 62.5″
94 x 66 x 159cm (inc legs)
Plammock – Will fill one half of the cage.
Half-Plammock – would need extended hangers.
Liberta Explorer36.5″ x 25″ x 62.5″
93 x 63 x 159cm (inc legs)
Plammock – Will fill one half of the cage, may be slightly squashed depth-ways.
Half-Plammock – would need extended hangers.
Liberta Tower 37″ x 24″ x 56″
94 x 60 x 142cm
Plammock – Will fill one half of the cage, may be slightly squashed depth-ways.
Half-Plammock – would need extended hangers.
Savic Freddy 231.5″ x 19.6″ x 25″
80 x 50 x 63cm
Both will fit fine, half-Plammock will fit front to back and take up 50% of cage width, full Plammock will fill the cage with 7cm approx each side and 12cm gap along the longest side.
Savic Freddy 2 Max31.5″ x 19.6″ x 31.5″
80 x 50 x 80cm
See above.
Ferplast Furet Tower31.5″ x 29.5″ x 63″
80 x 75 x 161cm
Plammock – Will fill one half of the cage.
Half-Plammock – will fit fine.
Ferplast Furet Plus27.5″ x 19″ x 31″
70 x 48 x 78cm
Plammock will fit.
Half-Plammock – maybe need extended hangers.
Ferplast Jenny 31″ x 19.5″ x 31.5″
79.5 x 50 x 80cm
Both will fit fine.
Critter Nation36″ x 24″ x 39″
91.5 x 61 x 99cm
Both would need extended hangers for width hanging, or hang Plammock front to back.
Mamble31.5″ x 19.5″ x 17″
80 x 50 x 43cm
3/4 Plammock would fit, full Plammock would take up most of the cage.

 The “Homer” range of gear should be fine in most mouse/hammie cages, check the product measurements before buying.